Christmas Goodies December 08

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Cooking time has been rather elusive lately. Probably because I’ve only been unpacking the kitchen one utensil at a time as it is needed. By now I have enough items unpacked to actually make something useful. I tried two new recipes below.

Walnut and Brown-sugar Rugelach

The dessert turned out well, it is a tasty little finger food that would be good for parties. A couple notes to self, don’t skimp on the brown sugar and don’t bake in on the wax paper *doh*

Hot Chocolate Cake

I can’t find a link for the recipe but there isn’t much to report. It didn’t turn out well. The batter was hard to make and I baked it in a container that was too big so I couldn’t layer the hot chocolate mix properly. Even if the container it was the right size the idea of packing hot chocolate into a cake doesn’t turn out well. If the cake could be more moist or creamy then the hot chocolate mix would be scrumptious.