
25 Articles

Who Mastered Who?

Sometimes you master the wind…


And other times the wind masters you…

No victory for the underdog, the wind and the waves were a formidable foe that gave little and demanded much.



The Wind Blows All Types of Creatures to the Beach

Grasshopper on Beach Umbrella

The waves were docile and the wind was wrong. A couple grasshoppers were blown to the heat of the beach, along with some flying demons from the pit of hell!

Biting Stable Fly

Apparently last year year the weather was in my favor and whenever I went to the beach there were waves. The last two trips proved to be fairly calm so my future trips will be preceded with a check of the surf (not necessarily the forecast).

Thankfully the company at the beach was better than the stable flies and grasshoppers.

Fighting Relentless Waves


… visit to the beach is line a day in paradise.

… resplendent sunrise over the ocean is amazing.

… safe weekend drive on the Garden State Parkway is like winning a Roman chariot race.

… day at the beach without a sunburn is equivalent to leaving a cave to enjoy the stolen gift of fire from Prometheus, without getting scorched.

The water at Island Beach State park was spectacularly clear. Never have I seen (or could have imagined) the ocean of the New Jersey shore so beautiful. The waves were exciting with intermittent rollers suitable for surfing.

Anchors Not Aweigh

Above is the wonderful and lively view of people flocking to celebrate New York Fleet Week 2011. So exciting, can’t wait to see the Iwo Jima!

Below we have a picture of what awaited me at the entrance, which unfortunately wasn’t as close as I got to getting on board. The end of the line to get to this dude was still 200 people back! Yikes.